Charge of the Committee
1. Membership
- The committee shall consist of at least five Assembly members, one of whom is elected chair. Each academic division should have representation on this committee.
- The committee can invite input from other campus areas (Faculty Assembly, Student Affairs, Chancellor, Dean, CFO, etc...)
- Members may serve for three consecutive years with a possible renewal of another term.
- The chair shall coordinate the scheduling of meetings and schedule a committee meeting and the committee will agree to the schedule of committee meetings for that semester.
2. Duties:
- Involvement in campus Strategic Planning and development, including but not limited to:
a) Acting as the faculty's voice in 亚色影库allup Strategic Planning discussions, recommendations and actions. For example: decisions involving additions/changes to new and existing building construction plans, academic departments and academic divisions.
- John Burke, MPNS Division, Chair
- Chris Chavez, BAT Division
- Chris Dyer, FAHSS Division
- Carolyn Kuchera, FAHSS Division
- Elroy Kinsel, BAT Division
Total Members: 5
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